These are the Books we have produced over the past 10 years!
A Foot-Waggling Tale
The story of one woman’s journey of self-discovery – all the way back to the Highlands of Scotland and the Grosvenor Estate of the Duke of Westminister near Durness.
By Trish Parker
A Taste of St Francis
A Taste of St Francis
A St Francis Bay Recipe Book – Originally compiled by the St Francis Friendship Club and edited and produced by Yvonne Bosman in 1993 and 1996.
More than 25 years ago, in 1993, the St Francis Bay Friendship Club, a lively and informal organisation set up by long-time residents to welcome newcomers to the Village of St Francis Bay, produced an iconic little recipe book – “A Taste of St Francis”. This was followed in 1996 by “A Second Taste of St Francis”.
One of the original founders of the Friendship Club, and the person who laboriously typed out all those recipes, Yvonne Bosman, would dearly love to see these books resuscitated and made available to a new generation of St Francis Bay residents, as well as our many visitors. She approached St Francis Bay-based publisher, Write-on Publishing, to undertake this task.
In addition to dozens of great recipes, the books contain stories and anecdotes about the history of the Village, as well as the reminiscences of many of the contributors to the book about their own “St Francis Bay Experience”.
The two original books are combined into one – “A Taste of St Francis”, and it is a faithfull reproduction of the content of the originals. However, instead of the quaint original typewritten (on an IBM golfball typewriter, Yvonne informs us) and photocopied booklets, the book is professionally typeset, printed and bound, with a full colour, original art cover by artist Wendy Barker. -
A Terrible Beauty
Fr Luke O’Gorman is a missionary priest running from his past. He flees Nigeria and returns to Ireland in the hope of silencing his relentless ghosts. But instead of finding peace, his tormentors seem to have followed him, added to which, his unexpected return has stirred up buried anger at home.
All of this ultimately leads to a gruesome killing in one of Dublin’s most legendary landmarks.
Detective Chief Superintendent Fírinne Jeffries, one of Ireland’s most senior police officers, is called upon to investigate.A chilling detective story that is both clever and sophisticated, A Terrible Beauty draws the reader into the mystery that is Ireland – in both its beauty and its terror. It is a tale woven with many certainties, but only one truth, one lethal reality; will Fírinne be able to unmask the real murderer and let go of her past before it robs her of her present?
A True Hunter Perserveres
Lwazi learns a valuable life lesson when he and his friends try to catch the wild cat that has been terrorising their fathers’ sheep.
Thembisile Ralarala, a former schoolteacher, has written this wonderful story for young children, teaching them the need to keep on trying, no matter how many times they might fail.
Beautifully illustrated by Hanna van der WesthuizenThis is one of our Chapbooks.
Akwaba Ndandinimamele
Mlesi kubalukile ukukwazisa ukuba le mibongo uza kuyifunda isekelwe kubomi obundingqongileyo neemeko ezichaphazela mna ngqo ebomini. Le ncwadi isondele kakhulu entliziyweni yam, ikuthatha ikubeke kwimpilo yam neyabo basondeleyo kum. Ndikhe ndanazo iimpazamo eziliqela ekukhuleni nangoku sele ndimdala; le ncwadi ke ichankcatha kanye kwezo meko injongo ikukufundisa nokuba inike ithemba. Ezo meko zibangele ukuvela kwesihloko sale ncwadi esithi akwaba ndandinimamele kuba kaloku iimeko ezichatshazelwa yile mibongo iqulathwe apha ziyakubangela ukufa okanye ukuphelelwa lithemba kwabaninzi. Uakwaba ndandinimamele ngumbongo okwalapha encwadini kwaye uza kuzivela ngokwakho ukuba ungantoni na. Le ncwadi inikezela ithemba kwabo sele beqalisa ukuphelelwa lilo nokuba sazi ukuba AKULAHLWA MBELEKO NGAKUFELWA!
Amazwembezwembe Obom
Abazali ababini uLuvuyo noNokwanda bakhulisa abantwana babo abathathu, uNgqiqo, uZumange noIviwe, bazame kangangoko ukuba bafunde, babenempilo engcono. UIviwe, uye waphuma ecaleni, ngenxa yeempembelelo yezihlobo zakhe. Uye wagaxeleka kwiziyobisi engaqondanga, nto leyo emenze wazibona sele butshintsha kakhulu ubom bakhe.
Ibe lusizi kakhulu imeko yakhe kuba uphile iinyanga ezinizi ehamba ngesitulo esinamavili, engakwazi nokuthetha kuba ilizwi lalingaphumi.
Ukugula kwakhe kuye kwayichaphazela lonke usapho lwakhe kuba naye umama wakhe uye waguliswa kukugula kwakhe. Latshona emini ilanga kusapho kuba bathe besajonge eyokugula kukaIviwe, kwagula nomama wabo. Wagula umama,wade wayibeka phantsi inqawa. -
An Attempt to Overcome Challenges
Prophecy to the Dry Bones
The hand of the Lord was on me, and he brought me out by the Spirit of the Lord and set me in the middle of a valley; it was full of bones. He led me back and forth among them, and I saw a great many bones on the floor of the valley, bones that were very dry.
He asked me, “Son of man, can these bones live?”
I said, “Sovereign Lord, you alone know.”
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to these bones and say to them, ‘Dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says to these bones: I will make breath enter you, and you will come to life. I will attach tendons to you and make flesh come upon you and cover you with skin; I will put breath in you, and you will come to life. Then you will know that I am the Lord’.”
So I prophesied as I was commanded. And as I was prophesying, there was a noise, a rattling sound, and the bones came together, bone to bone. I looked, and tendons and flesh appeared on them and skin covered them, but there was no breath in them.
Then he said to me, “Prophesy to the breath; prophesy, son of man, and say to it, ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Come, breath, from the four winds and breathe into these slain, that they may live.’” So I prophesied as he commanded me, and breath entered them; they came to life and stood up on their feet — a vast army.
Then he said to me: “Son of man, these bones are the people of Israel. They say, ‘Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off’. Therefore prophesy and say to them: ‘This is what the Sovereign Lord says: My people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel. Then you, my people, will know that I am the Lord, when I open your graves and bring you up from them. I will put my Spirit in you and you will live, and I will settle you in your own land. Then you will know that I the Lord have spoken, and I have done it, declares the Lord’.” (Ezekiel 37: 1 – 14). -
Apples from the Soul
Apples from the Soul is a collection of poems and pictures by then 84-year-old Eastern Cape artist Wendy Barker.
Wendy discovered her talent for poetry when the presenter at a life-skills seminar she attended some years ago placed a basket of apples on the table and said: “Write a poem about these.”
As Wendy says: “The Floodgates opened!”
Wendy has produced a collection of short poems which range from the deep and dark to bright and sunny pieces about life, children, animals and people – there is even a tribute “To Oprah”!
Every poem in the collection is beautifully and whimsically illustrated by Wendy herself! Her first love and huge talent is art and painting. -
Black Review 74/75 – Unbanned
We acknowledge today that Black Review 74/75 edition [Edited by Thoko Mbanjwa] was indeed a great compendium of facts and figures written without fear or favour which now takes us down memory lane. It was a memorable, historical and educational publication that had to be revisited. The 70s Group, a group of 1970’s activists, deemed it fit to do exactly that, and ‘unbanned’ it by publishing it as a second edition.
The effort of your toil, dedication and resistance to apartheid, Thoko, and that of the team that assisted you in those days, left South Africa with a great historical document on how the Black Consciousness Movement of the 1970’s saw South Africa.
Boots in the Baviaans
In this his seventh book of journeys past and present in South Africa, Eastern Cape author Bartle Logie, accompanied by his wife Caryl, dons hiking boots to explore one of the Eastern Cape’s hidden gems: the Baviaanskloof, a recently designated World Heritage Site, with its rugged scenic and natural beauty.
In his easy and sympathetic manner and with consummate story-telling skill, Bart regales the reader with tales of people and events that over the centuries have helped shape and been shaped by the Kloof and its bordering mountains and rivers.
Bart and Caryl’s love for and appreciation of the complexities of this unique wilderness, now a World Heritage Site, shines from the pages.
New features include GPS co-ordinates to sites mentioned in the book. -
Born to Serve
Deacon Walter Middleton spent 46 years of his life working for organisations dedicated to feeding millions of the world’s hungry. His own special passion in this calling was feeding starving children. In his memoirs, he documents his life of service to the needy, as the quote above from Tanya Pinto, CEO of Baal Dan, indicates. His multiple awards from relief organisations such as The World Food Programme (Recipient of the 2020 Nobel Peace Prize) testify to the diligence, love and passion he brought to his work. His ordination to the Diaconate in his retirement puts the cherry on the top of his life of service.
Brave Kaya
Kaya’s story is a reminder that there is still room for love, self belief, family and equal opportunity.
There is a hero inside all of us and it starts with saying “no” to doubt and “yes” to courage.
In this very short story, we see a brave little girl insisting on being given the same opportunities as her peers to grow into a leader, and her story becoming the voice of special young people everywhere. -
China in Africa – the Zambia Story
This book tells a riveting story of Zambia’s mixed relationship with China whose presence dominates African skies presently. It is a fast-paced, easy-to-read book, hard to put down given the mastery writing skills of Ambassador Mukwita, a former Editor in Chief, published author and senior diplomat. University libraries, embassies, bookstores and government offices need this book.
Ambassador Anthony Mukwita breaks into tiny bits an issue of global interest that would have ordinarily been complex to digest by ordinary readers.
Readers keen to know how China won the hearts of Africans and African leaders through soft power to ostensibly topple the United States and its allies from the age-old top slot will love it.
Ambassador Mukwita dives into the history of Zambia and its people, how they laugh and cry to make global sense. -
Cock Tales on the Kowie
Sue Gordon and her husband Neville purchased Richmond House, aka Cock’s Castle, on the top of Wesley Hill in Port Alfred in 1999. For Sue, this was the beginning of a fascinating journey into the history of the house and its original owner and builder, 1820 Settler leader, entrepreneur, politician, and, most famously of all, the man who shifted the Kowie River and created a harbour, the Honourable William Cock.
Sue began collecting artefacts, stories and documents about the house and William Cock, and in 2007 established the Richmond House Museum in the grounds of Richmond House.
Then, ably assisted and encouraged by fifth-generation William Cock descendant, local dairy farmer Ed Cock, she began the monumental task of researching the history of the house and the Cock family.
This eminently readable and meticulously researched book is the result.
“Cock Tales” offers the reader, whether descended from the 1820 Settlers or otherwise, a sense of place and circumstance, a fascinating glimpse into our collective past and a most welcome addition to the existing body of literature on the 1820 Settlers.
Pat Irwin, Professor Emeritus in Education, Rhodes University -
Collared & Content
Life begins at 40!
In this book, S’milo Mngadi, who has been a Catholic priest for 15 years, shares the perspectives he has gained from his first 40 years on earth.
They range from family to society; politics to people; theology to religion, sexuality to identity and much more.
This is not an autobiography nor a memoir, but a collection of viewpoints arising from his life-experience.
He admits that his views are not absolute and humbly confesses that he might be missing the point altogether.
However, he is convinced that it is a proverbial song which may be, and is in most cases, out of tune with many currently popular tunes, but which he must not die without singing. -
College of the Little Flower
Brothers of Charity College “Old Boy” Bruno Verriest spent a relatively short time at the College in the late 1960’s, but the school so imprinted itself into his psyche that he felt compelled, half a century later, to undertake the huge task of writing its “memoirs”.
Set in the broad historical background involving Southern Africa, the European continent – Belgium in particular – and the world at large, the book sketches the early history of the Catholic Church in South Africa with particular emphasis on mission work accomplished by the Benedictines and the Brothers of Charity in the Northern Transvaal (present day Limpopo). For the first time, a fascinating comparative study emerges of missionaries whose task it was to evangelise, to teach and to bring the good word to different cultural and ethnic populations representative of South African society. It took courage, dedication and the full commitment of those men and women to accomplish that mission.
Des Infractions Environnementales en Droit Congolais
A une époque et dans le comportement actuel de certains compatriotes, la destruction des éléments de l’environnement n’a pas été constitutive et ne constitue pas pour ceux-là une violation pouvant entraîner une privation de la liberté. Et les professionnels de droit ont tendance de croire qu’il n’est pas nécessaire et impératif de poursuivre un délinquant de faits touchant aux ressources naturelles et à l’environnement. Un comportement plus que capitaliste selon lequel la nature reste une source de profit et non un élément de l’équilibre même de l’homme.
Les grands mouvements de protection de l’environnement sont parvenus à influer sur les politiques environnementales en général et les politiques criminelles en particulier pour relever la dimension pénale de la protection de l’environnement au-delà d’une simple bonne intention. L’enjeu de la responsabilité écologique est en réalité plus pratique, procédural que théorique. -
Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm
Mzuvukile Maqetuka’s Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm is supposed to be “stories from the dorpies of South Africa and in particular (in Maqetuka’s case) stories from the Camdeboo.” Perhaps it is. Looked at differently, this is a piece of work that shows how one specific setting could be a microcosm of a grander place characterised by (un) subtle shades of denotations and aura. It is these (un)subtle particularities that prevail to help the reader realise that we are all facing the same pleasures and hardships.
In Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm, Maqetuka succeeds in fashioning a sense of ease, a piecing together, between the reader and the text. The easy-going form of storytelling that is Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm allows the reader to become comfortable with the text. In remarkable ways, Maqetuka pleasantly burdens the reader’s imagination through his pen to imagine the quaint and the scenic, to imagine varieties of highlands and peaks that magnify to form an exciting setting.
Reading the stories, I found myself joined to the happenings and thus a lot more fascinated by the impending outcome – whether present or absent in the text. I found Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm to be a splendid piece of creative work astutely hewed to inspire entertainment that at once empowers in momentous ways. This is a delightful assemblage of appetising fragments aimed to stir the reader’s craving.
Page on, then, and travel to meet strangers that are the same as yourself in Maqetuka’s vital Dulcie and Seratjie: A Story from an African Farm.
Maruping Phepheng: Author of the novel, HANKAROO -
Echoes of Gqeberha
While the Eastern Cape as a Province continues to contend with the triple challenges of poverty, unemployment, and inequality, the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality also faces broader challenges in the literary and artistic world.
In an attempt to develop, inspire, and empower upcoming writers and artists, the Red Location Digital Library & Archive (RLLA) in partnership with Nelson Mandela Bay Municipal (NMBM) Libraries and supported by the Red Location Cultural Precinct team (RLCP), hosted a creative writing and poetry workshops aimed at motivating aspirant writers, empowering them through mentorship and coaching programmes.
Various aspects of writing, illustration and poetry ranging from the Creative Writing Process, Interpersonal and Business Skills for Writers, adding value for the Community through writing, Publishing, and promoting NMBM Libraries and RLLA, among other aspects, were explored.
These workshops lay a foundation for addressing the challenges borne by upcoming writers and artists within our communities. It is for this reason that these workshops are crucial in preserving and promoting natural creative talent. The voices of the youth must still be heard, and we view these workshops as a continuation in the path to uplift our upcoming writers, illustrators, and artists.
Therefore, it is the compilations of the work of those creative talents, put together, which has produced the book Echoes of Gqeberha. -
English Rocks
Welcome to the second book in the new series of Grade 4 study guides in the School Rocks Range. This book contains information on the English curriculum for Grade 4.
This book contains information on the English curriculum for Grade 4. It is designed to assist teachers, parents and learners, with an emphasis on the home-schooling environment.
The material in this book is aligned to the National Curriculum and Assessment Policy Statement (CAPS) of the South African Department of Basic Education. -
Graced in His Presence
The wedding banquet was held, and the bride threw a bouquet. We caught the bouquet simultaneously, and as we fell down, neither one nor the other was willing to let go.
As our eyes met, he said, “You are the bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh. Let us get married in the nude.” and hence the poem Marriages Of Nudity. In case you are wondering what happened next, meet me in the pages of this book, but all I can say, is that I still blush with endless smiles as I recall the moment.
I bet it is rare to find a literary and poetic book which combines romance and Gospel all-in-one. The church is regarded as the wife of the Lamb, does that not make God romantic?
Shortly after my “I do”, I saw the Heavens open, and the writing on the cloud: “You Are Graced”. And my family was right behind me, hence the title of this book.
I declare that, as you grasp a copy of this book and go through each page, you will receive favour, receive freedom indeed!
May the Spirit of the Lord breathe in you! And may you receive a love letter from God! -
Guardian of the Crash
Guardian of the Crash is a remarkable and very personal journey between man and these magnificent beasts, both vulnerable to the circumstances of our time. It’s a story about the voiceless finding a platform to speak out and a growing confidence to be bold when the opportunity presents.
Dr William Fowlds – wildlife veterinarian & conservationistA heart-warming story of the relationship that developed between a group of threatened rhinos and an apparent drop-out, who found his feet while caring for these vast creatures.
Bart Logie – retired headmaster, writer, and nature-loverA story that excites so much inner human emotion and passion to want to contribute and aid in the efforts to protect the rhino species from extinction.
Mark Ralph, environmental ecologist, & Nicola Ralph, veterinary nurseThis story is a message of hope and redemption that inspired me to keep seeking purpose in life. I believe that Justin is one of God’s gifts placed into the world of the rhinos to be a guardian of creation and a voice for the voiceless.
Ilonka Esterhuyse – post-editor of the documentary, ‘Guardian of the Crash’ -
Healing Poems
Her Song
Flying brisk from southern climes,
Wing beats swift as heart
Stirring air grown dank and sour
With fresh breezes part.
Fleeing flesh grown disconsolate,
Fleeing home and comfort still,
Wresting from winds their swift power
Northward, flying northward still.
Passing equatorial havens
Alighting not on jungled vines
Lest her progress be truncated
And she reach not the silent pines.
For, accompanied by silence
Whispering loud with baited breath
Come the deeper, soul-wrought strains
That speak of life and sneer at death.
With each wing beat stronger growing
With each stirring thought more clear
With each mile beneath her going
The southern song becomes more dear.This poem by Dwight S Stone describes
Cleta Joannou and her mindset when she
wrote the wonderful poems in this anthology. -
Humansdorp se Groei en Bloei
“Meer as honderd-en-dertig jaar geleë het M.G. Human die grond gegee aan die N.G. Kerk vir ’n heiligdom; so het Humansdorp in aansyn gekom.”
So sê skrywer E.J. Gerryts in sy inleiding tot die tweede uitgawe van hierdie boek in 1975.
,”Humansdorp se Groei en Bloei” is die eerste keer in 1949 uitgereik ter herdenking van die 100ste bestaansjaar van die dorp.
Hierdie derde uitgawe is deur die Humansdorpse Museum Vereniging met die vriendelike toestemming van die Gerryts familie uitgereik om die 170ste bestaansjaar van Humansdorp te vier (2019).Hierdie derde uitgawe is deur die Humansdorpse Museum Vereeniging met die vriendelike toestemming van die Gerryts familie uitgereik om die 170ste bestaansjaar van Humansdorp te vier (2019).
Hierdie boek kan by die Humandorpse Museum gekoop word, en ook by Takealot
A Write-On Reproduction Project – Giving Old Books New Life!
Click Link above for more information about reproducing out-of-print books!
Le yincwadi equlethe imibongo elichiza lempiliso ebhalwe ligqala likamakad’ ebona. Yonke ibhalwe ngolwimi lwesiXhosa esilula nesisulungekileyo. Injongo yale ncwadi kukonga nokulondoloza ulwimi lwethu lweenkobe. Le mibongo ichaphazela imiba eyahluke kakhulu, uya kufumana imibongo ethetha ngendalo, ngeziganeko zobom, enye injongo yayo kukufundisa, ukonwabisa nokuhlaba ikhwelo ukuze isizwe sethu singalahleki ezandleni zethu. Eminye yale mibongo isondele kakhulu entliziyweni yam; mibongo leyo ifana nothi IZANDLA, UBIZO njalonjalo. Ekuqaleni komnyaka ka-2021 unyana wam u-Olwethu walimala kwingozi yemoto waphantse ukunqunyulwa isandla. Loo nto yandicingisa nzulu ngezandla, xa ndandimbona engakwazi ukwenza izinto ezininzi ebekade ezenza lula.