Start Money-Savvy
Striving for financial freedom and meaningful wealth is not an easy task; however, this should not be beyond your ability to achieve, provided that you apply a few basic money-savvy principles throughout your life.
The journey is easier if you start your economically active life with these disciplines early, but it is never too late to get back on track.
This book, written in simple layman’s terms, offers an insight into money management principles, as well as many practical ideas and tips to guide you on your journey to financial freedom.
Striving for financial freedom and meaningful wealth is not an easy task; however, this should not be beyond your ability to achieve, provided that you apply a few basic money-savvy principles throughout your life.
The journey is easier if you start your economically active life with these disciplines early, but it is never too late to get back on track.
This book, written in simple layman’s terms, offers an insight into money management principles, as well as many practical ideas and tips to guide you on your journey to financial freedom.