When The Foundations Are Destroyed
Are you suffering limitations, stagnation, poverty, failure and you feel as if there is an underlying curse upon your life? Are you where you have always dreamed to be or you are struggling to get there? Find out the root cause of your problem and get wings to fly to your destination!
Foundations can be mended, a curse can be broken! You just need to know how. Before the presence of the curse upon mankind, there was a blessing, for God created mankind and blessed them to be fruitful and multiply. We just need to know how to activate the original blessing of God upon our lives.
Turn over the pages of this book, until you find out how to correct the foundations.
There are invisible enemies we have to fight, and as much as we can use physical weapons, but we also need to be equipped spiritually. You may be asking yourself, “How do I deal with the fears relating to this Coronavirus pandemic?”
Turn the pages of this book, you might just find your answers!