I'm Cecil Nsambila Mbolela
Cecil Nsambila Mbolela is a native of Mufulira on the Copperbelt and a Zambian American. He is an adjunct professor of Finance and Economics at Gov-ernor’s State University in University Park, Illinois, USA. He teaches courses in Financial Management, Micro-Economics, Managerial Economics, and Money, Banking and Financial Markets. Mbolela is also a Senior Credit Risk Management Analyst at the Federal Reserve Bank (Central Bank) of Chica-go. Mbolela earned his BPhil from Urbaniana Pon-tifical University (Italy) by way of St Joseph Theo-logical Institute in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. He studied French in Cameroon, and has a Master of Divinity degree from Catholic Theological Union in Chicago, a Master of Science in Management and a Master of Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Financial Analysis from De Paul Universi-ty in Chicago. He is currently studying for the CFA charter exam, and has contributed to the scholarly journal: Grace and Truth.