Help! My Granny’s Dog is a Racist!

Most of us in South Africa, during the 45 years of apartheid, didn’t notice that we had been programmed, rebooted, reset and downloaded as new creatures: apartheid man – or woman.
We were the first country in human history to successfully try this experiment in social engineering. Happily, eventually, we saw the light and repudiated it.
Or did we!
Many of us are still recovering from the damage apartheid did to us.
It must be said that from media reports, and noted in this book, a small but growing number of white South Africans are committing themselves to making South Africa a home for all.
In spite of that, today racist outbursts are smothering the airwaves. This book is for the fools, idiots and clowns, our brothers and sisters, who manage to keep
intolerance on the boil by their blunders, insensitivities, and inability to listen and relate to fellow South Africans. Even their dogs catch it and it goes viral on neighbouring dogs!
Crime and racist tendencies nourish one another and feed off each other. Housebreaking is fuelled by every racial incident that hits the headlines. Read why Help, My Granny’s Dog Is a Racist proves this astonishing claim and others too that will make you cry or laugh or angry or at least embarrassed.
Present day racists, he or she, are the typical bigoted self-centred Pharisees Jesus regularly and angrily called “hypocrites”.

About the author

Patrick Noonan
Patrick Noonan is a Franciscan brother and priest who has lived and worked in Europe, the Middle East and the black townships of South Africa…
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